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Exercise Therapy By Physiotherapists And Hand Therapists
For active rehabilitation and recovery

Our senior physiotherapists, hand therapists and personal trainers all use exercise therapy as part of our treatment approach simply because years and decades of scientific research with rigorous studies and tests has proven that it works.

You see, due to

  1. injuries
  2. conditions or
  3. illnesses

and their different grades of levels and severities, your body, joints and muscles' ability to function will definitely be affected negatively (decrease).

Exercise therapy, be it by our

  • senior / principal physiotherapists
  • senior / principal hand therapists
  • senior / principal personal trainers

will focus to restore and build back your muscle strength, which in turn, builds stability, which then builds coordination and mobility.

That, in turn, builds and leads to increase body, joint and muscle and movement confidence, and will be one of the most important foundation for a better, faster, and more lasting recovery.

After treating tens of thousands of patients collective, we know that every single individual's body can be different from one person to the other, and that's why we customize every single exercise therapy programs to each individual patient.

we will guide you through the exercise program, and we will be with you at every step of the way to ensure guided and supervised recovery and safety.

Whenever required, we will also modify the difficulty / intensity of the exercise therapy programs based on your current performance, to keep your recovery on upwards progression.

To further support your recovery, our senior physiotherapists and hand therapists will also prescribe and provide you with a home exercise program for you to follow up with at home, to be done between sessions with us in clinic.

This will help to increase the effectiveness of your recovery and rehabilitation.

These exercises you need to do between each therapy sessions, as they will

  1. accelerate the recovery and therapy process
  2. reduce recurrence rate of injuries and
  3. reduce the need to return for many physiotherapy or hand therapy sessions

We recommend that you keep on doing the exercises that we custom-make for you, even after your final therapy session with us, so that you

  • maximize your potential
  • minimize re-injuries and keep injuries away for good

If you have difficulties maintaining and keeping up with our home physiotherapy exercise programs, or if you would like to have supervision to avoid wrong (painful) exercises, please come back to us regularly.

We also provide home physiotherapy sessions and home visits for patients who requires guidance with exercises at home or at the gym.