Genuine neck physio by therapists who really cared

by David Lee
(Jurong, Singapore)

I can't express enough how grateful I am for the physical therapists who took care of my neck injury and pains after my car accident.

I was truly desparate to find a neck and spine solution who can help me get back to normal life and work and daddy duties as fast as possible.

I asked my friends to recommend, and they recommended a few different therapists and clinic. I checked which would be the most suitable and I felt very comfortable reading sgpainrelief Nigel and Louise profile and the way they communicated.

They were incredibly supportive and understanding, working around my preferred timings (and sometimes last minute changes). They listened to my worries and personalized a neck recovery physio program for my neck injury.

Thank goodness my neck wasn't injured too bad, the doctor they recommended told me that I dont need surgery (which is good!), but I definitely need neck physio to regain my neck range and strength.

I think what stood out the most was their genuine care and compassion. They allowed me to bring my kid to the clinic (I'm a single dad) and worked around my little girl's nap time. I had not expected that.

They were very patient and my daughter loved it there, she was calm whenevr I went to their clinic to work on my neck. I am now almost pain-free and able to fully engage in activities with my little girl again.

I feel pains once in a while, but I'm still recovering, but I definitely feel stronger and more confident of my neck now. Thank you louise and nigel

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Sep 03, 2023
Thank you David for sharing your neck pain physio journey
by: Nigel

Hi David

It was our pleasure to treat and heal your neck injury and pains (and your daughter is lovely!). Keep doing those stretches and take it easy on driving for now okay

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