I ran my first marathon at 65!

by Jeff Koh
(Somerset (Singapore))

My name is Jeff, and I retired a couple years ago.

I was bored with my free time, and I noticed some of my younger (and same age) peers who exercised (and eat) together would occasionally do a marathon together.

One day, one of them asked if I was interested to join them.

Well I'm free and thought about joining for a few years already, but I wasn't sure if my knees and body could complete the run without problems or injuries. I had hadnt never ran a marathon before too.

I definitely had my doubts.

I told my friend, and he told me why not do some prehabilitation / running preparation with SG pain relief. I had never heard of such a thing!

But I wanted to challenge myself (and my boredom of course), and so I reached out to Nigel and Louise at sg pain relief, and they explained patiently to me what prehab was, which is a proactive approach to train up gradually, to prevent injuries and of course, optimize the way I move too.

Now looking back, a few weeks after the marathon, I think SG pain relief's prehab was vital, because they provided me personalized expertise to start me on my first step, my next 100 steps and my first km jog! My body was a little sore (being sedentary for most of my life didnt help) but they gave me the confidence to complete my first 5 km marathon!

I know it's not long distance, but I'm so grateful and confident now. I am preparing for the next marathon, this time, it's a 10 km one.

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Sep 05, 2023
Keep running safely!
by: Nigel

Hey Jeff

It was great helping to prepare you for your first marathon, even 5 km is not bad a start for your (or any) age!

Here's to many many more marathons ahead =)

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