New mother with back pain and hand pain, less pain now and coping better =)

by Susan Tan
(Marine Parade (Singapore))

I gave birth around 9 months ago, and being a new mother is both tiring and wonderful. But I started developing mild aches in my lower back and my wrists, and it got worse over time because of the lifting and carrying the newborn.

Eventually the pains became sharper and stayed longer, and got in the way of me doing daily activities, and especially caring for my baby. I asked my gynae who then referred me to sgpainrelief for back physiotherapy and hand therapy for my wrist pain.

I reached out to them, and Louise replied me first.

It was nice to know that she also has kids (she has three!), and sweet that Nigel is her husband and that they can both help me. They were very patient and professional, taking their time to thoroughly assess my back pain and hand pain.

They explained the root causes and created a customized low back pain physiotherapy and wrist pain hand physio program for me. The sessions were gentle, patient and one-to-one.

It was nice that they accomodated my timing for my baby, and I was treated with manual therapy, deep tissue works, taught lifting techniques especially on how to lift my baby safely without compromising my back or hands.

Louise really likes baby wearing and baby wrapping, so she shared some ideas on that for me (very useful, as I also could breastfeed in the baby carrier).

It's been 5 sessions now, and my pain is 80% lesser than when it got bad, with occasional sharp pains when I didnt rest enough or awkward angle. I am grateful, thank you.

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Sep 05, 2023
Thank you Susan
by: Nigel

Hey Susan

Nigel and Louise here - it's our pleasure to be able to help you treat your back pain and your wrist de Quervain.

Even better to know it's improved by more than 80%, so good! Keep up the usual exercises and stretches, and watch that posture okay =)

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