Optimistic after hip replacement surgery physio

by Li Wen
(Pasir Ris)

As someone who has gone through a hip replacement recently, I must say the thought of hip surgery alone is scary enough. And what could happen. I was worried about my hip pain, if my hip could really recover. If I could still get out of bed, go toilet and move around like "normal".

My hip replacement surgeon in Singapore assured me that it'd be okay, but I couldnt help worrying.

My friend recommended me to SGPainRelief to do some PRE-hip surgery physiotherapy, as that's what her orthopedic doctor recommended for her. 4 weeks before my hip replacement surgery, I started doing hip physio and strengthening of the muscles and joints of my hip, buttocks and core. We also did some range of motion exercises too.

They taught me about hip precautions, address every single question I had (even those I repeated too a few times).

On the day of the surgery, I couldn't sleep because I was so worried, but the operation was over so fast, I wasn't even prepared. There was some pain in my hip, but it wasn't as bad as I had worried about.

The very next day, I was discharged and I went over to SG pain relief physioclinic to start my first post-hip surgery physiotherapy session. These exercises helped me move my hip with less pain and with less risk for further hip injury, and I could easily get up and about.

The first few sessions were easy, and it got harder as they gave me harder exercises to do, because later exercises were increasingly more about strengthening my hip muscles and achieving full range of motion. What was clear to me was that after every session and week, my hip and body felt stronger than before, so that was nice.

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Sep 03, 2023
Thank you Ms Li Wen for sharing your hip replacement physio journey
by: Nigel

Hi Ms Li Wen

Thank you for sharing your hip replacement journey.

You're right - it's scary and hard enough to have an injury, it's another thing when it needs to have surgery to fix it.

Your patience and effort is the key for your hip physio success =)

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