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Limping Physiotherapy

Limping can be caused by a variety of factors/causes, such as:

  • leg-length discrepancy
  • pain or weakness in back/hip/knee/ankle
  • neurological conditions such as stroke
  • etc

And the unfortunate part about limping is untreated limping can cause patients to sustain secondary injuries such as

  • fractures
  • ligament sprains
  • muscle strains
  • etc

Any patients who has a leg-length discrepancy between 2-5 cm (that is a difference of the lengths of both legs to each other) can be managed with a fairly straightforward insole (to raise the sole of the shoe). A more invasive approach will be to do an open surgery to shorten the longer leg (done under the right conditions and reasons).

symptoms of limping

Limping or walking with a limp basically refers to a patient having difficulties walking. Patients who find that they have a tendency to prefer/favor one leg over the other when walking, it's possible that you may have a slight limp in your walk.

Limping is usually caused by:

  • disease
  • damage (trauma)

and should be assessed and treated by a specialist medical professional and senior physiotherapist. Our senior physiotherapists are trained to assess, differential diagnose, and treat any conditions that causes patients to have/walk with a limp

physiotherapy for limping

What our senior physiotherapists will do is they will start by

1) assessing and understanding the severity of the limping gait

2) and then focus on correcting the limp (depending on the diagnosis and cause). Physiotherapy treatment may include: