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Bremed Electrical Heating Pad Benefits

Can I just say it...I love my electrical heat packs! Yes, I can be biased, but truly and frankly speaking, I've been using it for my hand therapy practice since 2011 and have been prescribing them to patients for their back pains, neck pains, hand pains, shoulder pains, knee pains etc since.

In this article, we'll cover all the electrical heat pack benefits we can (it's a pretty long list, I did try to be exhaustive =D). Of course, do read why I highly recommend our electric heat pack, its pros and cons when compared to other heat therapy devices.

bremed electric heat pack Benefits And Applications

There are mainly focused on physical pain relief, especially those of muscles, bones and joints. This covers all physical pain relief including:

Yep, it's pretty long list but before I exited my physical therapy company, we prescribed and used it a lot on patients (note that there are precautions to be aware of before using).

For Those Who Feel Cold All The Time

Feeling cold may be caused by cold weather or cold offices and homes (see below), but sometimes it can be caused by:

  • age - people who are older may feel more cold more often
  • disease/conditions - people who have certain health issues may feel more cold than usual eg if you have diarrhea and become dehydrated, or caught a cold or flu, or anemia (low iron or low blood count)
  • going hungry
  • fasting (intermittent or prolonged)
  • etc

Depending on which body part is cold, you can apply our electrical heat pack to your hands, feet, lower back etc.

Keep Warm When You're Feeling Cold Due To Decreased Mobility Or Long Periods Of Inactivity

This is an extension of the above, but speaks more to:

  • individuals who have decreased mobility due to injury or disability or
  • individuals who just love to chill out to watch shows and hang out with family or just on our own (just like me lol, introverted)

The electrical heat pack works well to bring comfort and warmth especially to joints and muscles that have not been very active, increasing circulation and blood flow that helps with bringing nutrient-rich blood flow (increasing healing rate), decreasing cold that results from sedentary/decreased mobility and the heat that improves comfort.

electric heat pack to Prevent Injuries (heat up your muscles and joints for sports and activity)

Sometimes when we have been sedentary for a prolonged period of time before an exercise or sports event eg

  • attending gym or group classes after work
  • going for a workout on the weekend (especially first thing in morning)

- using the electrical heat pack to warm up your muscles and joints before your workout and exercise sessions may help to keep your joints and muscles supple and ready for movement and workouts =)

Cold Cold Office / Home - Warm Your Hands, Feet & Body

Ah, this one...especially for the cold cold offices - I personally HAVE encountered the polar bear bosses

Seriously - I can be wearing my thermal wear jacket and these polar bear bosses and colleagues (and spouses GASP!!!) can be like:

  • I'm so hot/warm
  • *Takes off jacket*
  • Looks for AC remote to make it colder

And I'll just faint (no, maybe just freeze lol).

So when you work and live with polar bears, I feel for you.

You will most definitely love and want to use my electrical heat packs, because it will bring a consistent fuzzy warmth to your hands, feet, back and tummy (depending how many electrical heat packs you have of course) - recommend at least one for the back or tummy. If you can have more, it'd be great to have electrical heat packs for:

  • back and/or body/tummy
  • feet (man, this one is super feeling, don't know how to describe)

cold weather

This is similar to the above point if you have polar bear family members, and also to consider if you live in cold weather countries and it's cold weather (winter or autumn) and if it's just one or two of you at home, no point to fire up the heater for the entire house - cheaper too.

Just have a couple of these for yourself for your feet, back/body and hands, and you're good to go (if you're seated ie doing stuff at the desk, watching TV, reading, writing - of course if you're busy around the house and mobile, then no choice, will have to turn on the heater).

Keyboard-users - Keeping Fingers, Thumb & Palms Dry & Warm

Electrical heat packs are great for keyboard users (computer/laptop users by extension), because they help with:

  • decreasing typing-related fatigue
  • improving blood flow and circulation, especially when it's a cold office or cold weather (really hard to feel/control fingers when it's cold)
  • keeping hands and fingers dry (our electrical heat packs are dry heat, so will keep your hands and fingers dry) and prevent/help evaporate sweaty hands/fingers
  • did I mention that this heat will help your fingers fell more rested and make you not only feel more comfortable, but it will also increase your typing/keyboard-related productivity too =)

Gamers - Keeping Fingers, Thumb & Palms Dry & Warm

Electrical heat packs are great for gamers and gaming too (computer/laptop users by extension), because they help with:

  • decreasing typing-related fatigue
  • improving blood flow and circulation, especially when it's a cold gaming setup, office or cold weather (really hard to feel/control fingers when it's cold - this WILL mess with gaming capabilities)
  • keeping hands and fingers dry (our electrical heat packs are dry heat, so will keep your hands and fingers dry) and prevent/help evaporate sweaty hands/fingers with high-pressure/intense gaming
  • did I mention that this heat will help your fingers fell more rested and make you not only feel more comfortable, but it will also increase gaming-reaction/movement too =)

Ease Stomach Cramps Due To Menstruation (Menstrual Cramps) or Stomach Ache

I was pleasantly surprised when my hand therapy patients told me that our electrical heat pack was amazing for menstrual cramps - I didn't see that coming, and so it was a total blind spot for me, as I don't ever experience it (I'm a guy right), but after she told me and when she was so grateful, that made an impact on me.

Which is why I write and share about it often to my clients, family and friends.

So menstrual cramps are usually caused by the tightening of the uterine muscles (spasms and tightening leads to cramping/cramp-like visceral pain), and introducing heat therapy will increase vasodilation (blood flow) and heat, which decreasing cramping intensity and frequency, which is why patients with menstrual cramps will experience pain and cramp relief using heat.

Once you plug in and switch on our electrical heat pack, place it on your tummy/abdomen, cover with a blanket and let the heat do its work. Being powered by electricity means that the heat is consistent and ongoing, so you don't have to get out of bed/rest to re-heat it or to change, until you're ready to get up and get about.

Ease Headaches and Sleep Better With Consistent Warmth

Just a little warmth can help you get a nap that's deep, restful and satisfying.

Especially moreso if you have a little back ache or neck ache, just slide our electric heat pack, place a sheet over, and lie on it and heal up.

Keep Your Baby And Baby Cots Warm

Newborn babies, babies and toddlers can get really cold/lose body heat rapidly. I find that by putting an electric heat pack under their mattress (please don't let them sleep on it directly) to warm up their mattress will help to keep them warm and comfortable to sleep deeper and restful through the night/naps.

Please ensure that they do not have access to the wire as well.

Keep Your Pets And Their Cots Warm

This only applies to pet dogs and cats that stay in your home, and has their own cots...both cats and dogs LOVE warmth, but please, for them, have to really hide the wire away and keep the electric heat pack beneath their mattress, to ensure they wont bite the wire/heat pack.

Minor/Interesting Use: Keeping Food & Drinks Warm

This is a little interesting/obscure, but I chanced upon this application when I was on Google, and it seems like some people do use the electric heat pack to keep their food warm. Of course, not all foods can be kept warm this way, some considerations:

  • probably will work well with hot beverages
  • probably will work with food that doesn't wilt (avoid salads), doesn't turn soggy (burgers, but maybe sandwiches can), doesn't leak (waterproof boxes/containers only)

Maybe it's great for people who have brought food from home or have packed food, but couldn't eat immediately due to last minute meetings/projects, or just eat very slowly.

Note: if you do this, please please please remove the cloth cover and place it directly over the vinyl cover OR have another layer on your electric heat pack. Also, if you want it to be warmer, place a layer of cloth, towel or plastic over your food/beverage to keep the heat in, but be careful to not spill ok =)

Minor/Interesting Use: Keeping Socks/Shoes/Clothes Warm Or Accelerate Their Drying

Personally, I like this...cos I really dislike wet socks and shoes. So if you find yourself having moist/wet socks and shoes and need to accelerate their drying, use the electric heat pack (if you don't have access to hair dryer/other faster drying tools) to heat and dry them.